During the last few years, the workshop has facilitated discussions on a variety of topics of interest to college and university faculty. Topics in the past have included directing undergraduate research projects, grant writing, and encouraging and retaining under-represented groups in the number theory community.

Based on the success of previous sessions, we plan to hold discussions again this year.

There are underlying reasons for the connections between automorphic forms and other branches of mathematics. These connections are among the reasons that make automorphic forms an interesting subject to study. At the same time, most of the junior researchers are able to at most mention some of these links, without any explanation.


This topic is somehow related to the previous one. It is quite common that specific research does not require general knowledge. However, one simply cannot be a mathematician without understanding how the research area was born, which generalizations are natural, and what kind of properties of the research subjects are crucial. For instance, an explanation of the underlying motivations for the introduction of Siegel modular forms, Hilbert modular forms, and/or Maass wave forms may be extremely useful for the junior researches in automorphic forms. Both historical and substantial approaches to the motivation may be provided.


